Friday, February 1, 2013

Is Robert Pattinson already trying to extract himself from Kristen ...

As we discussed yesterday, Robert Pattinson is already in Australia filming his new movie, The Rover. Radar’s sources claimed that Rob wasn’t being a very good boyfriend because he was all “Meh, whatever” about checking in with Kristen Stewart. Allegedly, Kristen is all “pay attention TO MEEEE!!!” and he just doesn’t give a crap. Well, in that same vein, Star Magazine claims that Rob actually told Kristen directly to NOT come to Australia to visit him. Sparkles needs some time alone (“alone” = boning randoms?).

When Robert Pattinson jetted off alone to Australia on January 16th, there was more to his impending split from Kristen Stewart than work. According to insiders, Kristen had asked if she could come visit him on set in Australia and, much to her dismay, he gave her a surprising answer: NO.

“Rob told Kristen not to follow him because he’s going to use the time to think,” the source says. “She’s devastated, but Rob is not budging.”

Sources say Rob is still unable to let go of the betrayal from Kristen’s affair with Rupert Sanders.

“He tried really hard to make it work with Kristen, but in the end it was too hard because he can’t trust her… he said that he needs to figure things out.”

As soon as he arrived in Adelaide, Rob wasted no time getting back into the swing of single life. On Jan. 18, he had drinks at The Grace Emily Hotel, and the next night he was with friends at the Cork Wine Café, followed by an evening at the hot local club Zhivago.

“He kept laughing and flirting with girls,” says one onlooker. “He definitely wasn’t acting like a guy in a relationship!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

God, I hope this is true. Like, I really, really want to think that Rob is this way. That he only got back with Kristen last year because they had a film to promote and because he’s a professional and because despite it all, he didn’t hate her. And I want to believe that after spending the past few months doubting himself and doubting her, he’s ready to make a somewhat clean break. Please let it be true!

As for the Twihards at Hollywood Life, a “friend close to Kristen” tells the outlet that:

“Kristen is actually in a really good place. Of course she misses Rob, but she knows how important this movie is for him, and she is giving him space. She wants to go visit him, but isn’t sure when. She’s spending a lot of down time, being mellow and catching up on much needed rest. Kristen has been doing a lot of Kundalini yoga, which is helping her to stay balanced and be prepared for her next project. She’s just enjoying living a normal life for the time being… She kind of just trusts that everything between her and Rob will work out for the best,” the insider explains. “She just wants to be happy and at peace, and she wants the same for Rob.”

[From Hollywood Life]

It sounds like Kristen may be making her peace with a slow-motion breakup too? We’ll see. If there are consistent reports of Rob “hanging out” with ladies in Australia or if there are lots of photos and reports of him going to the clubs… we might hear something different from Team Lip-Bite. Then the stories will be “Kristen Betrayed! Kristen In Tears! Kristen Rushes Into Rupert’s Arms For Comfort!”

Photos courtesy of WENN.




via Cele|bitchy


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